Location: Gauteng (Pretoria), Eastern Cape (East London)
Job Type Classification: Permanent
Closing Date: 03 November 2023 at 16:00
Salary:R202 233 per annum (Level 05)
How to Apply
Application Process:
NOTE : Just the newly revised Z83 Form, which is available from any Public Service Department or online at https://www.dpsa.gov.za/newsroom/psvc/, must be completed and signed with the application. along with a thorough Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will submit certified copies of their identity documents, certificates of graduation from grade 12, and other required credentials to Human Resources on or before the day of the interview. Your application will be rejected if you don’t follow these instructions. A report of evaluation from the South African Qualifications Authority is required to be included with any foreign credentials (SAQA). The applicant must arrange for SAQA to analyze all of their foreign credentials and must present documentation of this examination (only when shortlisted). The National School of Government’s Senior Management Pre-entry Programme must be completed successfully in order to be appointed to the Senior Management Service (SMS) level (NSG). A candidate would need to finish the Nyukela Program before being hired: Pre-entry Certificate to SMS, a course that is available online and is endorsed by the NSG and DPSA. The full details can be found at the following link: https://www.thensg.gov.za/training-course/sms-preentry-programme/. The course is offered at the NSG under the name Certificate for entry into the SMS. No appointment will be made until the pre-entry certificate has been successfully completed and supporting documentation has been provided.
1.CENTRE : Gauteng (Pretoria)
REF NO: 3/2/1/2023/662
Directorate: Plant Production
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or hand delivered during office hours to: 600 Lilian Ngoyi Street (formerly known as Van der Walt Street), Berea Park, Pretoria, 0002 or to Agriculture Place, 20 Steve Biko (formerly Beatrix) Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
NOTE : African, Coloured, Indian and White Males and Coloured, Indian and White Females and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
2.CENTRE : Eastern Cape (East London)
REF NO: 3/2/1/2023/672
Directorate: Property Management
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be forwarded by post to PO Box 1716, East London, 5200 or Hand delivered to Corner Moore Coutts Street, Ocean Terrace View, Block H, Quigney, East London, 5200
NOTE : Coloured, Indian and White Males and African, Coloured, Indian and White Females and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
click below to download z83 application form
Please Note: Findsajobs.com does not represent any companies but it advertise for you guys All Applications must be directed to the companies Career Portals: https://www.dpsa.gov.za/
Thank You…