Location: Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District: Mamusa Local Office
Job Type Classification: Permanent
Closing Date: 28 February 2025
Salary: R 216 417.00 – R 254 928.00 p.a. exclusive of benefits
Ref. no. SAS NW 44/2024
How to Apply
Application Process:
Applications must be posted to the following physical address: 128 Vry Street, Vryburg, 8600
Ref. no. SAS NW 44/2024
To apply for this position, candidates should send their applications (New Z83 form available from the DPSA website and all Government Departments, along with a detailed CV and a copy of their highest qualification only) to the address and position name listed in the advertisement, mentioning the relevant reference number. Please take note that additional papers, such as driver’s licenses, IDs, and certificates, must be provided upon request.
Ref. no. SAS NW 44/2024
click below to download z83 application form
Please Note: Findsajobs.com does not represent any companies but it advertise for you guys All Applications must be directed to the companies Career Portals:
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