The 5 Toughest Questions You’ll Be Asked in an Interview(Updated 2022)

Have you ever wondered what the most difficult questions to answer in an interview are? Whether you’re just starting out or are looking to take your career to the next level, an interview can be an intimidating experience, especially if you don’t know what questions to expect or how to answer them. While there are many different types of questions that may come up during an interview, ranging from behavioral to situational and everything in between, these five questions tend to be the toughest that anyone can ask you, regardless of your industry or position.

Do you have any questions for me?

Asking questions of your interviewer can help you better understand what it will be like to work at that company and spot any potential red flags. But you don’t want to ask something so basic that it makes you look unprepared or uninformed. You also want to avoid asking questions about salary, benefits, or other sensitive topics until later in the process—when they are more likely to impact your decision about whether or not to accept a job offer. That being said, here are five tough questions we often get asked

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Asking about your weaknesses might be one of toughest questions you’ll face. Try to maintain a positive spin on your shortcomings, and keep in mind that hiring managers are looking for candidates who are humble and willing to admit their faults. Describe what you’re working on improving and offer concrete examples of past weaknesses that you have addressed. When responding to other tough interview questions, remember to never say anything negative about former employers or coworkers – even if you’re asked directly!

Tell me about yourself.

It’s a standard first question in almost every interview, and it’s often answered with a mini-bio. Don’t do that! Instead, focus on how your skills and experience will help you excel at doing whatever job you’re interviewing for. This is your opportunity to show how much value you can add to a company—and a good way to get across exactly what makes you different from other candidates.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Employers often ask questions like Where do you see yourself in five years? as a way to gauge how ambitious you are. While it is helpful to know where you would like to be, make sure you don’t paint a picture of success that is unobtainable or requires more experience than you have. If you don’t know what your goals are for five years from now, now may not be your time for promotion just yet.

Why do you want to work here?

The first question most interviewers ask is often Why do you want to work here? It seems harmless enough, but it is actually one of the toughest questions you’ll be asked in an interview. This isn’t because employers are trying to trick you into a bad answer, it’s just that they want to know how genuine your interest is. The best strategy for answering this question involves explaining why YOU want to work for THEM rather than simply repeating what you know about their company.


No, these won’t all be easy questions—and if you find yourself struggling to get back on track after a tough question, don’t panic. Remember that interviews are not just about answering questions; they are also about showing confidence and connecting with your interviewer on a personal level. After all, you will have to work with these people every day if you get hired. The best way to answer any tricky questions is by keeping calm and remembering who’s really in charge: you! Good luck!